Monday 2 April 2012

From shirt to cushion cover: SUPER easy sewing!

So this cushion cost me NOTHING - and was incredibly easy. It was once my partners work shirt, and the bottom of the boat is also an old shirt. The buttons, ribbon, and red check were just left over bits I had in my sewing box.

The best thing was that I used the shirt buttons to button up the back of the cover, so I didn't have to do them, and the consequence is they look really neat and tidy! However of course this could be made with whatever leftover fabric you have lying around, just make sure you have two back peices longer than your front peice, so that when you fold over the edges and add on the buttons and button holes it's still the right length.

Cut out a square, and either two rectangles (as above, longer when put together than the square) or two rectangles using the buttons from an old shirt down the middle to fasten your pillow.

Sew on whatever you fancy (geometric shapes like this are much easier than round shapes if you're not very good at sewing like me!), and then just do up the buttons BEFORE you sew it so they are in place, turn it right sides together, and sew all around the edges.

I bought a cushion insert for £1.35 and voila! Watch this space... I am going to make lots more!

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