Friday 18 November 2011


PJs! I really wanted to make PJs so I made these following this guide and some cheap red fabric.

Glad I used the cheap fabric because as comfortable as these are, I made a lot of mistakes! The waist is over twice my own waist, which makes them really comfortable but would be a waste of more expensive fabric, I made the crotch to waist too small so they fit too low on the hips, and I sewed across the elastic stopping me from threading the ribbon the whole way through... and then sewed the ribbon on the back. Anyway a couple of alterations later they were finished!
I added the heart and extra ribbon to make them a bit more interesting and a bit less santa bottoms!

If I did it again I'd sew the heart on like applique, with a short zig zag around the edges, it would have been neater and smoother.

The material is so soft and comfortable, it cost £5 a meter and I used 1.75 meters...and that was to make PJs MUCH too big so I should be able to use no more than 1.5 next time and use some more expensive fabric... to create really pretty PJ bottoms!


Yum yum yummy cookies! These are my FAVOURITE cookies EVER. I used chocolate cut up because it's cheaper here, so they don't look so neat.

The recipe is from Vegan With A Vegance. Not a cookbook I generally reccomend but I do like the baking recipes. These are 1/3 bigger than the book reccomends... I think it's meant to make 24 dozen and I made 18. But I like them this size... even a little bigger! I was going to coat them with chocolate but I'm not sure they need it.

Anyway they taste fantastic! Delicious.

Long time, no type!


Hello hello, when I haven't posted for months I always feel silly posting again. But then, if I don't, my blog will dissapear into the bloggersphere and that'd be sad... I enjoy it! So I have been busy sewing sewing sewing! Here are my wears:

 PATCHWORK APPLE: I used the template produced here: called "patchy produce", except I used seperate fabrics for each section, and used felt for the leaves rather than fabric. REALLY simple and they look really sweet.

Mini stocking - I just loved this fabric! Really simple, and partly stuffed to give it some body, ready to hang on the tree!
Hearts hearts hearts! I actually made these in the summer at my parents house. Stuffed hearts like this are EVERYWHERE in shops, especially at christmas, but also in pretty fabrics all year around. At between £2-3 roughly per heart, you save a LOT by using spare fabric, buttons and ribbon to make your own... it takes like 15 miniutes :)

Christmas puddings... attempt one and two. Okay I wanted to make little round christmas puds... but this first is a little stingy on the icing and the second is a funny shape as the cream fabric was stiffer than the brown... and there was too much! Ahh nightmare. I've kept them, they've grown on me in their endeering miss-match way... but I'm not sure they'll make it to the tree!

Christmas dove - this one was the easiest to make, it's a little wonky in the picture but because it was felt I could tug it a little untill it was round!

FINAL CHRISTMAS PUD! I like this one, it's simple but kind of... rustic-er looking.

Christmas tree! Just two peices of felt cut out and sewn together with cardboard inbetween to keep it stiff, siver stitching and tiny beads (that came off an old top) tiny buttons (spare shirt buttons) and a ribbon (cut out of a tshirt) to decorate - very cheap too! Star button on top :)

So yeah! I am a complete novice sewer... I did GCSE textiles and I did VERY badly, but now armed with a sewing machine and stealing creativity from shops and blogs I have created passable crafts and am very proud of myself! If I can do it... anybody can.